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Dawn Yearning Cashmere “图强卡” Registration Card
Source:dongyunDate:2010-12-25 11:46:32 Browse Views:5595

Dawn Yearning Cashmere

"图强卡" Registration Card

 Application Date   /  /  /(Month/Day/Year)        No.


1、         Customer Information


Last Name:                 First Name:

Telephone:                  Mobile:

Certificate Number:

Account No.:


Issue Date:


Telephone:                  Mobile:

Usage mode: Use credit card with a password

2、         Business Information {Please tick “√”in the { }behind your service


1Gold Card{ }Imprest10000{ } 10000-50000{ }above 50000 { }RMB

2Silver Card{ }Imprest5000{ }  5000-----10000{ }        RMB

3Membership Card{ } ImprestYes{ }  No{ }  Cost { }  RMB

3Transaction Information                       

 SignatureCompany Seal

Transaction Company:         

I ensure that the information on this registration form is real, effective and accurate, and have read and agree with theChina Dawn Yearning Cashmere “求是图强”Card Services Agreementagreement.


Company Seal

                           /   /   /(Month/Day/Year)

Transaction Operator:

Transaction Seal:


For detailed information, please browse our official website: www.dawnyearning.com



China Dawn Yearning Cashmere “求是图强”Card Services Agreement

                                                                                Application No:
Party A

Party B: Dawn Yearning Cashmere group:

To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the two parties and standardize the corresponding commercial behavior, the two sides have reached the following agreement based on the principle of equality and the voluntary principle:

1. Rights and Obligations
  (1)Rights and Obligations of party A
   1.Parth A has the right to get the preferential price by using “
求是图强” card.
    2. Party A has the right to decide whether to use trade concessions offered by party B and the right to supervise and appeal to party B.
    3. Party A is required to provide true and accurate customer information and bear corresponding legal liability.
    4. Party A must recharge “
求是图强” Card in time.
    5. Party A is required to use preferential services by following the corresponding laws and this agreement.
    6. If party A fails to properly safeguard password, party A is required to bear all the possible losses arising from that. When forgetting the password, customer can go to the corresponding office to initialize the password by providing personal ID card.
(2) Rights and Obligations of party B
   1. Party B has the right to charge and adjust corresponding fees according to the regulations set by Dawn Yearning Cashmere.
    2. If party A’s card is in arrear or lack of sufficient fund, party B is entitled to refuse to offer discount service.
    3. Party B shall not disclose, delete, modify, of illegally use party A’s personal information without its consent.
    4. Party B should provide party A all the services in strict accordance with the standard of Dawn Yearning Cashmere Group.
    5. Party B will provide detailed lists to party A through the official website
www.dawnyearning.com. According to ”中国東韵羊绒求是图强卡管理办法”, party B will preserve the account in recent six months.
2. Protocol Variation
        a. If party name, method of payment, payer, or any other information is changed, party A should go through all the change formalities within two weeks, or party A will bear all the possible losses.
        b. For details about advertising campaign and preferential measure , please see the current relevant notice.

3.  The Suspension, Dissolution and Termination of the Agreement
    (1) The Suspension of the Agreement
           Under any of the following circumstance, Party B may suspend the provisions of part or all of the concessions:
       Termination of this Agreement:

1. The information provided by party A is found to be untrue.
      2. Party B is entitled to suspend services when party A’s card is in arrear or lack of sufficient fund.
    (2) Dissolution and Termination of the Agreement
           Under any of the following circumstance, Party B may stop the provisions of part or all of the concessions:                      

Party A transfers the leasehold or the character of use without authorization.
4. Covered Clause

If the network rebuilding, which includes expansion, product up-gradation and so on,  results in temporary service interruption or any loss, measures will be taken according to Dawn Yearning Cashmere “求是图强” Card regulation and corresponding laws and regulations .

5. Supplementary Provisions
   a. The registration form is an integral part of this agreement and the agreement has the same legal effect.
   b. All the supplementary agreements negotiated afterwards, are the attachments to this agreement, and the agreements have the same legal effect. If any supplemental agreement conflicts with this agreement, this agreement shall prevail.
   c. Any contract party A makes with any other individual or organization involving “
求是图强” Card shall not take effect.
   d. Party A and Party B shall each retain a copy, and this agreement will come into force after singed or sealed.

Party A (signature/seal):

Party B: Dawn Yearning Cashmere

日出以东 韵源大千 实事求是 知行合一 联系电话:0318-5405590 13930755334
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