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Chinese Dong Yun cashmere textile
Source:dongyunDate:2010-01-02 13:08:19 Browse Views:6264

The cashmere textiles of Dongyun cashmere enterprise, which usually used to entertain the VIPs such as leaders of foreign countries and senior representative for business negotiations, are extremely luxurious and should be the first choice for those pursuing cozy life in this modern society. Needless to say, they are excellently pleasing and high grade. Besides, it’s no easy to produce even a little piece of the cloth, that is to say, these cashmere textiles are priceless, and they deserve the name textiles of diamond fiber.
Though there are numerous famous brands in the world of cashmere textiles, they won’t cover the light of Dongyun cashmere enterprise. Unquestionable, Dongyun leads the tides of our time and represent the highest taste of our society, it’s best of the best and king of the kings.
Maybe the majorities are astonished at the high price of Dongyun’s cashmere textiles and dare not to buy even a handkerchief, but we operators of Dongyun are full of confidence that you have an eye for the real treasures. Even before Dongyun’s artworks faced the world, they had received plentiful attentions and were booked up. Why? That’s all due to Dongyun’s luxurious design and rarefied materials which are natural, warm, anti-fired, antistatic and friendly to skin.

日出以东 韵源大千 实事求是 知行合一 联系电话:0318-5405590 13930755334
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