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Strengthening enterprise management to promote the revitalization of the textile industry to adjust
Source:dongyunDate:2009-12-31 14:02:15 Browse Views:4797

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology "on Further Strengthening the management of textile enterprises guidance" issued a month in the industry and enterprises has aroused enthusiastic response. In the process of implementing the guidance, the textile industry and business-to strengthen a new understanding of enterprise management, and management of many modern enterprises should learn from the successful experience and management. Many enterprises believe that the guidance value is not the content itself is outstanding in its creativity, but that it allow enterprises to deeply reflect on an issue - from the specification to the good, from good to great, companies need trained real power is the what? Especially when the financial crisis in the world, the global economy struggling to recover critical period, and advocate traditional enterprise with a new perspective and new ideas to re-examine the scientific management of enterprises to create value and wealth, played a huge role in upgrading industry, This is the most critical.

Strengthen the management needs of industrial upgrading

To cope with the international financial crisis, in April this year, the State Council formulated the revitalization of ten industrial restructuring plan, which "the textile industry restructuring and revitalization plan" clearly strengthen enterprise management, improve the competitiveness of tasks. Public letter to the Department, as the main task of the organization and implementation unit, after several months of corporate research, as well as with relevant government departments, trade associations, extensive discussion, the final study and formulate a "on Further Strengthening the textile business management guidance." The guidance is to guide the large number of enterprises the main ideas, innovation, and continuously improve enterprise management level, strengthen capacity to cope with the international financial crisis.

Public letter to the Department of Consumer Division responsible person interview with reporters, said the textile industry is fully competitive industry, 99.6% of the enterprises of small and medium enterprises, 95% of non-public ownership enterprises. In recent years, China's textile enterprises generally strengthen internal management, and emerged a number of good administration and good economic returns advanced enterprises. But overall, management of textile enterprises are still relatively backward. Part of the textile enterprises have inadequate corporate governance structure, development strategy and market positioning is not clear, decision-making mechanism and management system is not perfect, is lagging behind development of qualified personnel, production and marketing of convergence is not reasonable and so on. Enterprise management level has become a constraint to improve the competitiveness of enterprises, an important factor affecting the development of enterprises.

At present, the textile industry is at a critical period of transformation and upgrading by the international financial crisis, part of the enterprise production and management more difficult. Further strengthen the management of enterprises is to implement the scientific concept of development, speed up the transformation mode of development of the necessary requirement is to promote corporate cost efficiency and improve product quality and competitiveness of enterprises an important measure is to promote the restructuring and revitalization of the textile industry to effectively deal with international effective measures for the financial crisis.

China's economy stabilized recovery become increasingly clear, public letter to the Department of Consumer Products Division, pointed out that at this critical moment, the textile companies have to take the scientific development concept as a guide, market-oriented in order to raise labor productivity and economic efficiency as the goal, to build a modern enterprise management system as a direction, and further change their concepts, mode of development, speed up the system and mechanism innovation, adhere to the scientific management, to operate and improve enterprise management level.

To focus on growing textile industry

The guidance is based on general industry practice, and strive to enhance the entire industry a comprehensive enterprise management level, therefore, guidance from the industry reality, and give full consideration to the textile industry, mostly SMEs and the characteristics of non-public enterprises, focusing on textile and growth-oriented enterprises and put forward To a modern enterprise system and management innovation, infrastructure management, quality management, marketing management, financial fund management, cost management, energy saving management, information construction, of qualified personnel, corporate culture construction efforts in 10 areas, strengthen the management work to raise the overall corporate management level.

Reporter learned that a number of large-scale textile enterprises as a result of the older, corporate management has entered the scientific stage of development. Proposed guidance in 10 areas, businesses have begun to implement, and some even doing very well.

In this regard, the Ministry of Public letter to the relevant responsible person said, strictly speaking, the guidance is aimed primarily at TV towers, textile SMEs. Management capacity and level is not high objective limits the pace of development of enterprises, there are a considerable number of enterprises still maintained traditional, extensive, and even family management style, a lot of infrastructure management work needs to be strengthened. As the number of SMEs, directly affect the overall development of the industry and affect the process of industrial upgrading. For large enterprises, which mainly play tips and guidance to promote its more perfect role; for small and medium has not been fully implemented modern enterprise management system of enterprises, the guidance will have a very strong guidance, clearly stated standards of enterprise management requirements.

"World's top 500 enterprises, family businesses such as Wal-Mart alone accounts for 1 / 3 of U.S. small and medium enterprises, among them, 85% are family businesses. They were able to succeed because the company has a modern management system and culture of system. "Management scientists point of view that business success does not lie in whether it is family business, or small and medium enterprises, the key is whether this company had to implement a modern enterprise management system and corporate culture systems.

Enterprise management is a complicated systematic project, the guidance does not cover all aspects of business management, but against the current corporate governance facing the textile industry, new situations and new problems, and the matter of the sound development of business and industry, an important 10 a connection request. These 10 contact with each other, impact, constraints for promoting the textile industry and enterprises to change their mode of development, to achieve healthy and an important guarantee for sustainable development.

Focus on the financial crisis exposed the problem

Can be said that guidance on enhancing the management of 10 areas, a considerable part of the financial crisis focused on solving the problems exposed for a lack of financial management of funds, capital risk control lack of experience of textile SMEs, in particular, stressed the need to strengthen the financial management, strengthening of financial and their full understanding of derivatives and risk prevention, including enterprise auditing system for the establishment and perfection, these are the healthy development of enterprises play a crucial role. At the same time to raise awareness of international markets, rapid response and adaptability, is this financial crisis, domestic textile enterprises to bring the warning and critical thinking. In this crisis, many domestic small and medium enterprises and even large enterprises due to financial management was not standardized and the lack of rational judgments on the market, resulting in funding strand breaks, so that enterprises in trouble, warning the industry and enterprises need to re-recognize the importance of corporate governance and strengthening enterprise management, the urgency is not only related to the enterprise survival and development of the individual, is also related to the adjustment of China's textile industry as a whole and revitalization.

Public letter to the Department of the relevant responsible person said, the guidance focuses on practical, solve practical problems faced by enterprises and did not deliberately highlight the innovative enterprise management, the emphasis is to strengthen universal norms and basic management.

Therefore, under the influence of the financial crisis for most of the growth-oriented enterprises, guidance proposed to strengthen risk management, marketing, innovation and information management. In particular, should be made to enhance risk prevention awareness, and improve internal risk control system, improve financial management and decision-making processes. Rational use of financial instruments, regulatory requirements, carried out in strict accordance with the market trading activities, put an end to speculation in financial derivatives, effective control of financial products investment risk; to strengthen foreign exchange asset management, reducing exchange losses; sound enterprise security business approval management system, strict compliance with vetting procedures, guarantee strict control of foreign companies, mortgage, pledge and other businesses. And to establish a sound internal audit system, strengthen the internal audit, by the ex-post audits in order to advance to prevent the main changes to key business, key positions, for universality, any budding problems, control and management weaknesses in important matters of concern to to conduct focused audits.

In response to the changing situation, international and domestic markets, guidance also proposed to strengthen the sales network construction, science and design and planning, distribution network, optimizing logistics and distribution. Apparel, textile and other enterprises should focus on the implementation of the brand-oriented marketing strategy to promote the application of information network technology, e-commerce platform, increase market rapid response capability. Vigorously promote the integration of information technology and industrialization, the use of information technology to improve business management modernization and scientific level, enhance the overall quality of enterprises. Encourage qualified large and medium textile enterprises, the establishment of co-operation for the upstream and downstream supply chain information systems to improve business processes and production process optimization. E-commerce platform to speed up the textile industry, and encouraging enterprises to carry out industry-based platform for e-commerce activities to achieve efficient allocation of corporate resources. Production end consumer goods apparel, textile and other enterprises to integrate internal information systems and e-commerce systems, to encourage mass customization, changing the traditional design, manufacture, marketing, and improve enterprise's rapid response capability.

At present, China and the world economy is stabilizing phase of recovery, the textile industry is facing the important task of adjusting to revitalize, strengthen management, Obtain, and comprehensively improve the competitiveness of enterprises is essential. In this devastating financial crisis, China's textile industry, there are still many in this tradition of maintaining a healthy development, and performance of extraordinary business. From them, people see the power of management. As the economist said, "business management itself is not magic, but it can create magic."

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