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Bathed in the first light of dawn in 2011, we meet each other once again with specific enterprising spirit of Dawn Yearning Cashmere. Although it is the coldest time of the season, we will soon embrace a warm and new year. With the bright sun shine thrown on our faces, we breed care and hope for a better future. Keeping Dawn Yearning deep inside both you and me, let us smile and look back upon on the legend of setting up our own business and then step into a thriving and prosperous 2011.

During the long journey to success, we tasted the joys and sorrows of life, experienced the happiness and bitterness of struggle, and confronted the ups and downs in front of us. This year is the fourth year since Dawn Yearning Cashmere has been established, which manifests our encouraging spirit to struggle and persistent pursuit of dream. This year, the first group of pioneers covered the whole country and exerted efforts to enhance and promote the development of Dawn Yearning Cashmere. This year, China successfully held the third anniversary of Dawn Yearning so as to pay back our customers. This year, Dawn Yearning released “求是图强” card to show its springing up. This year, Dawn Yearning broadened its view by stepping into Shanghai. This year, Dawn Yearning Cashmere advanced to the whole world and made a lot of friends worldwide.

To start an enterprise is difficult, so we respect all the predecessors; to maintain it after completion is tough, so we won't be utilitarian and hasty. Dawn Yearning Cashmere has always been struggling to be learned and accomplished with its determination and perseverance. After years of exploration and innovation, Dawn Yearning Cashmere has finally formed its own unique style of development. As a new private enterprise, Dawn Yearning Cashmere has possessed the indomitable spirit to be creative and establish new business. Other than that, we have successfully launched our characteristic products by taking advantage of the domestic sources of cashmere and publishing product information at the first moment. At the same time, we enhanced communication with customers actively and made full use of the scarce resources of cashmere, which earned Dawn Yearning Cashmere a great honor.

The prospect of entrepreneurship is often black and bleak, but Dawn Yearning in life is colorful. We not only strive to do business in every detail, but also pay attention to activity.

At this moment, it is possible for me to stop writing, but it is impossible for Dawn Yearning to stop meditating on the poignant experience of love and sadness, day and night. Things changed a lot, but things that remain unchanged are the caring heart and warm companion of Dawn Yearning.
Please, let’s yell the slogan of Dawn Yearning Cashmere: we will never yell to the reality but face it confidently!

Showing gratitude to our motherland and respect to this era, we are still striving to create a bright future with our determination and practicality. China possesses a long history and splendid culture; Chinese people are kind, hardworking and full of courage. We express our gratitude for it is the land that breeds and cultivates us; we express our respect because it is an era of reform, which provides us with numerous opportunities.

Time flies! It is always my hope to catch the steps of our forerunners. Therefore, we often fall into such meditation: "Our ancestors left us rich spiritual wealth and material civilization. What about us? What can we leave behind? Can we make a difference to our world?"There is no doubt that Dawn Yearning Cashmere will become an excellent private enterprise for descendants to follow and admire. And we will definitely working towards China’s resurgence and make a contribution to passing on our nation’s long lasting history.

In 2011, Dawn Yearning Cashmere will keep on moving, practically and decidedly. Hope that more and more minded, progressive and optimistic people can join us. Let’s strive to create a bright future, together! 

                                                        January 1, 2011

China Dawn Yearning TEL: 
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