来源:本站 日期:2014-12-22 18:21:47 浏览次数:4254


   当我真正用心去悟触“中国東韵羊绒Dawn Yearning ”时,我一刹那明白了,“中国東韵羊绒Dawn Yearning "不再是金元王国的象征,而是一个品牌帝国的标志。

   When I tried to understand China Dawn Yearning through my heart, I suddenly realized that it is not a symbol of the Kingdom of Jinyuan, but the flag of a brand empire.

或许是真的白山黑水的多情,你的执著,顽强与不息,终于为你所特有的中国東韵羊绒Dawn  Yearning  纱线赋予了独特的灵魂,是不屑?是不羁?是特立独行?终究铸成了那恒越千古,穿梭未来的”倔犟的生命,怒放的色彩“!

    The acracholia of nature endowed China Dawn Yearning with a unique soul. Is it disdain, unruly or maverick? All these finally turn into the ideal of "stubborn life, blooming color".


    Your name comes from the mysterious East, bringing together the splendor of the mountains. You are born at the foot of Mount Changbai, but that can't cover up your brightness because people see the great from the ordinary.

       新旧合冶,东西辉映!在朝霞耀眼的光辉中,是否也暗示了晚霞的凄美,你那渐行渐远凄离的眼神,让我看到圣洁而凄迷的美,我知道,你有你的世界,你有你的属于你自己的孤独,你一定在向往着另一个黎明,另一个开始,所以你需要黑夜的宁静,让你在灰色的空间积聚更强大的能量,你日夜兼程的追逐,也终究是因为你向往着黎明,你用你的国际化的名字诠释了你,中国東韵羊绒的每一个深触心弦的感动,怎能不让你”Dawn Yearning-----------" 

    The dazzling morning glow foretells the pathos of the sunset. In order to be more shining, you have to accumulate more power in the dark and endure the pain of loneliness. You chase the dream day and night, interpret yourself with the resounding international name -- Dawn Yearning.



       You have such an intriguing and time honored history that I even dream of you sometimes.

      CASHMERE  开司米,已不足以衬托你的高贵、典雅,你淑女的典范,如喀纳斯湖,碧蓝无波,纯洁无瑕,可谁又知道,你倒底是一流活水,你在底下暗潮涌动,你内心的狂野,哦,你突然像是有点焦躁了,难道淑女与老者等待的心情是一样的,但这些丝毫不影响组成你高贵品格的一面。这就是生活,高贵的生活,质性的生活;東韵与羊共舞,绒与東韵共荣!


    Cashmere is insufficient to set off your nobility and elegancy, but no one is aware of your wildness underneath.


    You are the only fiber valued by gram, and your contribution to the mankind is beyond compliment. Populus grows in the Gobi desert, but you choose to reach your prime in the cold and chillness. That serves as a beacon of light to people in the winter. The clothes-fitting softness relieves people's burden.


    When your screens spread to every city, or even every corner of the place, the glossy grass and cashmere goat will find back your true self. Right! True emotion is the wealth of your entire life.

       一代人的梦想,一代人的追求,一代人的执著,一代人的拼搏,一代人的故事!中国東韵羊绒Dawn Yearning从此刻起,你将见证每一代人:“自强不息       求是臻善”!

    It is the dream of one generation, the pursuit of one generation, the perseverance of one generation, the struggle of one generation and the story of one generation! From now on, China Dawn Yearning Cashmere will start to witness the self-improvement of every generation!


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